Every Owner will make good to the satisfaction of RVOA any damage caused to the Common Areas as a result of the Owner’s or its Occupier's use of the Common Areas and will indemnify RVOA in respect of any other loss, damage, action, claim or other liability arising as a result of the Owner or its Occupier's use or access of the Common Areas or otherwise arising out of any breach of these By-Laws.
The Common Areas must not be used for any illegal activity or any activity considered immoral or inconsistent with the customs and norms of Bahrain or any use that might disturb the peace or cause a nuisance or annoyance to any Owners or Occupiers.
At all times, the Owners will respect and have regard to all other Owners and Occupiers at the Community and the right of all Owners and Occupiers of the Community to peaceably enjoy their respective Units without interruption.
The Owners will comply with all fire security and safety precaution procedures implemented or issued from time to time by RVOA and no chemicals, explosives, flammable liquids or similar substances will be stored in any Unit except for such substances as are notified in writing by RVOA (such as domestic gas barbecues).
Smoking will only be permitted within those parts of the Common Areas as are designated by RVOA from time to time.
No rubbish, waste, dirt, destruction, cutting or spoiling of or damage to any part of the Community is permitted.
Garbage must be kept at all times in proper receptacles for disposal and in those areas allocated or designated for such purpose by RVOA from time to time. Garbage receptacles must be kept out of sight within the Unit other than on the days and times dedicated to the collection of such refuse.
No person may cut down, fell, mark, injure, remove or destroy a tree or any other plant or part thereof within the Common Areas and no person may plant a tree or any large plant within the Common Areas (including, for the avoidance of doubt) on the pavement or street immediately abutting their Unit) without the consent of RVOA.
All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that guests, invitees and visitors to the Community do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of any other Owner or Occupier.
Owners and Occupiers must not behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to any other Owner or Occupier in the reasonable opinion of the Developer, RVOA or the Association Manager.
Owners must not consume any alcoholic beverages or other non-Shariah compliant substances in the Common Areas, nor consume any food or drink in the Common Areas or so as to be visible from the Common Areas during the daylight hours in the holy month of Ramadan.
Owners will be held strictly liable for any and all damages caused to Common Areas by the Owners or their Occupiers and will be liable for the cost of repairs in addition to any applicable fine.
Owners and Occupiers must not keep, store or place any items in, within or on the Common Areas at any time without the prior written approval of RVOA.
Owners and Occupiers must notify RVOA or the Association Manager of visitors if they have arranged an event for more than twenty (20) people (a Notified Event), or when contractors require access to the Community to execute Approved Works at a Unit and for major deliveries (e.g. furniture but excluding newspaper and food deliveries). Any such visitors whose arrival has not been informed may not be permitted entry to the Community.
All visitors accessing the Community may be required to provide personal identification and details of the reason for their visit.
Skateboards, roller skates/blades, or wheeled toys are only allowed in the designated paths of the Common Areas.
Bicycles, golf carts, motorbikes, motorised scooters and vehicles must only be used on the roads within the Common Areas in the manner set out in these Regulations.
All Owners and Occupiers must comply with the rules of any playing courts as may be displayed or notified to Owners and Occupiers from time to time.
Guests, invitees and visitors accessing the Common Areas must be accompanied by an Owner or Occupier at all times.
Climbing on fences, boundary walls, roofs, or trees in, within or on the Common Areas is prohibited.
Only machinery which is reasonably necessary to conduct works to Units approved by RVOA may be brought onto the Community.
No items may be placed on the Common Areas at any time and no items may be placed on the exterior of a Unit which in the opinion of RVOA or Association Manager will detract from the aesthetic appearance of the Community.
All door-to-door commercial solicitation is prohibited and the placing of materials in mailboxes or at any other part of a Unit is strictly prohibited unless approved in writing in advance by RVOA or Association Manager.
Children must not be permitted to play or remain on any part of the Common Areas (including any playing courts) likely to be an area of potential danger or hazard to children, unless accompanied by an adult exercising effective control.